A-Z Guide

Prepare for your next visit to Camping World Stadium with our comprehensive A to Z guide!

Important: Please be sure to review our full health & safety policies prior to your next event.


Accessible Seating

Assisted Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices are available for loan at either one of the Guest Services stations located on the north end at section 148. Guests will be required to leave a driver’s license or government-issued photo ID card at Guest Services when checking out a device, to be returned when the device is checked in at Guest Services.


Orlando Venues proudly welcomes guide or service dogs accompanying individuals with disabilities or visual impairments. For the safety and comfort of all guests, all other animals are not permitted.


Alcohol Policy


Baby Changing Stations

Baby changing stations are conveniently located in all public restrooms throughout Camping World Stadium, ensuring a comfortable experience for families during events.

Bag Policy

Clear Bag Policy_Camping World Stadium_071621.jpg

To provide a safer environment for the public and significantly expedite patron entry to Camping World Stadium, a ‘clear bag’ policy will be implemented at the below upcoming events. This policy limits the size and type of bags that may be brought into the stadium.

We highly discourage patrons from bringing any type of bags and have outlined the types of permissible bags.

Patrons may bring the following style and size bags inside the stadium:

  • Bag styles: clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and do not exceed 14″ x 14″ x 6”
  • One-gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziploc bag or similar).
  • Small clutch bags not exceeding 4.5" x 6.5" may be taken inside the stadium.

Exceptions include medically-necessary items and parent bags. All items are subject to security search guidelines.

Prohibited bags include, but are not limited to:

  • Bags larger than a clutch bag
  • Coolers
  • Briefcases
  • Backpacks
  • Fanny packs
  • Cinch bags
  • Luggage of any kind
  • Computer bags and camera bags or any bag larger than 4.5" x 6.5".

Bag Searches

All guests will be screened, and their belongings will be checked before entering Camping World Stadium. Only approved bags, as per the event’s policy, will be allowed after a security inspection. Please be ready to open your bag, and security may ask you to move or remove items for a closer look.


Signs with indecent or derogatory comments or images, political statements, commercial references, or those larger than 11" x 17" are not permitted inside the stadium.

For more information visit our Prohibited Items list.


Binoculars are allowed inside Camping World Stadium, but this policy may change without notice depending on the event.

Box Office

The Camping World Stadium box office is only open on event days. On non-event days please visit the Kia Center box office located at 400 West Church Street. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. You can also call the box office at 407-440-7900 (Option 1). The Kia Center box office accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. 

Bus Services


Cameras and Video Equipment

Cameras with detachable lenses and/or lenses 3 in. or longer are not permitted in the stadium. Prior to your arrival, please check the event detail page within this website to see event specific camera policy information.

Child Ticket Policy

All children that have reached their second birthday by the date of the event must have a ticket for entry. Any exceptions to this policy will be posted on the specific event detail page.

Community Outreach

Camping World Stadium is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the Central Florida community. For more information, please feel free to email us.


Coolers and hard-sided containers are not allowed inside Camping World Stadium. Please refer to the PROHIBITED ITEMS list for more details.



Located west of Downtown Orlando and just north of SR 408, Camping World Stadium is easily accessible from multiple directions.

For more information please visit the Directions & Parking page here.


For the safety of all guests and visitors, the use of drones, unmanned aircraft (UAV), and remote-controlled aircraft is strictly prohibited at Camping World Stadium without prior written approval from management. Violators may face both civil and criminal penalties.



Elevators are located on the east side of the stadium by gate B and on the west side of the stadium by gate E.

There are eight (8) escalators for public use. Escalators are available on each corner of the stadium (by gates A, C, D and F) which provide access to the plaza and terrace level seating. 


Orlando Venues is committed to providing a pleasant and memorable experience in a safe environment for all of our patrons. Anyone interfering with the event or disturbing other guests may be escorted from the stadium and could be subject to prosecution.


Camping World Stadium is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all fans, both in the stadium and parking lots. The following is a list of behaviors that will not be tolerated:

  • Abusive, foul or disruptive language and obscene gestures
  • Intoxication or signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption or drug use
  • Fighting, taunting or threatening remarks or gestures
  • Distributing handbills, pamphlets, etc., unless authorized by stadium management and the licensee renting the facility
  • Sitting in a location other than the guest’s ticketed seat
  • Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting
  • Obscene or indecent clothing
  • Disruption to the progress of the event by a guest’s actions, including throwing or kicking objects
  • Behavior which otherwise interferes with other guests’ enjoyment
  • Smoking* except in designated locations (*This policy applies to electronic and smokeless cigarettes) and spitting tobacco
  • Entering the stadium with unlawful weapons of any kind (except those required by Florida Law)
  • Standing on chair seats or stepping over chair backs
  • Standing or sitting in walkways, aisles or ramps
  • Placing cups on the wall
  • Failing to follow event staff instructions
  • Re-entering the stadium


For information about job opportunities with Camping World Stadium, please visit our EMPLOYMENT PAGE


Camping World Stadium has six guest entrances, each offering different access points:

  • GATE A: Located at the northeast corner of the stadium; provides access to Field Level.
  • GATE B: East side Premium Entrance; grants access to the East Club, East Plaza, and Suites.
  • GATE C (AdventHealth): Situated at the southeast corner; provides access to Field Level.
  • GATE D (FunSpot): Located at the southwest corner; grants access to Field Level.
  • GATE E: West side Premium Gate; provides access to the West Club, West Plaza, and Press Level.
  • GATE F (Massey): Located at the northwest corner; grants access to Field Level.

*North Rollup: Used for bowl games only; designated for Will Call and players and their families.


In the unlikely event of an emergency, Camping World Stadium staff will utilize the public address system and video boards to inform guests of the situation and any instructions as applicable. All exits and emergency exits are posted with appropriate signage.


Family Restrooms

Family restrooms are designated for guests with young children and those with disabilities. These restrooms are located in the following sections:

  • Field Level: 151, 145, 132, 110
  • Plaza Level: 129, 127, 141, 103, 101, 115

Field Tresspassing

Any guest attempting to access the field or throw items onto the field before, during, or after an event may face criminal charges and/or fines. Please refer to the EJECTIONS tab for more details.

First Aid Stations

First aid offices are located on the Field Level by Gate C and D. There are also roving medical staff throughout the stadium during events.


Flags are permitted at Camping World Stadium without a pole. 


Group Tickets

Orlando Venues offers group ticket discounts to events when available. For more information please call 407.440.7900 (Option 1)

For Pop-Tarts Bowl group ticket information please contact Florida Citrus Sports at 407.423.2476. More information available here.

For Cheez-It Citrus Bowl group ticket information please contact Florida Citrus Sports at 407.423.2476. More information available here.

Guest Code of Conduct

Orlando Venues is committed to providing a pleasant and memorable experience in a safe environment for all of our patrons. Anyone interfering with the event or disturbing other guests may be escorted from the stadium and could be subject to prosecution.


Camping World Stadium is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all fans, both in the stadium and parking lots. The following is a list of behaviors that will not be tolerated:

  • Abusive, foul or disruptive language and obscene gestures
  • Intoxication or signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption or drug use
  • Fighting, taunting or threatening remarks or gestures
  • Distributing handbills, pamphlets, etc., unless authorized by stadium management and the licensee renting the facility
  • Sitting in a location other than the guest’s ticketed seat
  • Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting
  • Obscene or indecent clothing
  • Disruption to the progress of the event by a guest’s actions, including throwing or kicking objects
  • Behavior which otherwise interferes with other guests’ enjoyment
  • Smoking* except in designated locations (*This policy applies to electronic and smokeless cigarettes) and spitting tobacco
  • Entering the stadium with unlawful weapons of any kind (except those required by Florida Law)
  • Standing on chair seats or stepping over chair backs
  • Standing or sitting in walkways, aisles or ramps
  • Placing cups on the wall
  • Failing to follow event staff instructions
  • Re-entering the stadium

Guest Services

Camping World Stadium is dedicated to providing unforgettable experiences. Guests who wish to speak with a representative can visit Guest Services, located on the north end of the Field Level near section 149.


Host Your Event

Camping World Stadium is the perfect venue for your next event! Reach out to us through our "Book the Stadium" form, and we'll respond to you as quickly as possible.


For detailed information on hotel accommodations in Orlando, including a wide range of options for all preferences and budgets, visit Visit Orlando at 



If there is a spill or housekeeping issue during an event at Camping World Stadium, guests can contact a Guest Experience Representative or Security team member by texting 407.440.7447


Laser Pointers

Laser pointers and pens are prohibited at Camping World Stadium. See PROHIBITED ITEMS tab.

Lost & Found

Lost and Found is located at the security office near the south loading dock. Please call 407.440.5740 for more information.


Lost Children/Persons

Guests should report missing persons to any Guest Services Representative or Security Officer located within the Stadium.


Media Entry

Approved media attending a concert at Camping World Stadium should enter through the Employee Entrance located near Gate C.

For bowl games or other sporting events, approved media should check in at the East Breezeway, near the Credential Pickup window.

Mobility Cart Service

A courtesy cart service is available to mobility-impaired guests from designated areas surrounding Camping World Stadium. Courtesy cart service begins when parking lots open for the event,

There is a main mobility hub tent on the east and west of the stadium with wheelchair service to gates. 

Cart Service will continue until one-hour post-event.

This service is only offered at specific events. Please see your event's specific event guide for more details.


Nursing Mothers

Our lactation suite provides a private and calming environment for breastfeeding parents to nurse or breast pump while visiting Camping World Stadium. This room can be found at Section 103-105 on the Field Level. Camping World Stadium sanitation staff routinely clean the suite during every event.


Outside Food & Beverage

Outside food and beverages are not permitted inside the stadium. However, individual exceptions to this policy can be made for medical purposes.


Prohibited Items

To ensure the safest environment possible, the City of Orlando and Camping World Stadium prohibit the following items inside the stadium. Please check event-specific guides for any additional prohibited items.

  • Air horns
  • Backpacks
  • Bottles
  • Cameras with detachable lenses and/or lenses 3 in. or longer
  • Cans
  • Carts
  • Coolers
  • Cycles
  • Drones
  • Fireworks
  • Hard containers 
  • Illegal drugs
  • Laptops
  • Large bags
  • Laser pointers
  • Masks
  • Megaphones 
  • Outside food & beverage
  • Pets (except service animals)
  • Poles longer than 12"
  • Seat cushions that have pockets, zippers, compartments or covers are not permitted. Seat cushions that have rigid frames are not permitted. Soft, flexible seat cushions without pockets may be carried into the stadium.
  • Selfie-Sticks 
  • Signs with indecent or derogatory comments/images, political statements, and commercial references
  • Signs larger than 11" x 17" 
  • Skates
  • Skateboards
  • Unauthorized solicitation, handbills, giveaways, or sampling
  • Umbrellas
  • Video or audio recorders
  • Weapons of any kind


There are many options for parking around Camping World Stadium. Please visit our Directions & Parking page for more information.


Re-Entry Policy

Camping World Stadium has a no re-entry policy. Guests who leave the venue will not be admitted for re-entry without an unused or unscanned ticket.

Resale of TIckets/Scalping

The unlawful resale of tickets or parking passes is strictly prohibited by Camping World Stadium and by law. Scalping or profiteering may result in the loss of ticket privileges and/or prosecution.

Camping World Stadium is a proud partner of Ticketmaster. We strongly encourage all guests to purchase their tickets from Ticketmaster to avoid fradulent activity. Please note that Box Office staff will not be able to assist with third-party tickets; guests must contact their point of purchase for any assistance.


Public restrooms, including men’s, women’s, and family facilities, are located throughout Camping World Stadium. All restrooms are fully accessible for guests with disabilities.


Sensory Services/Kulture City

Sensory accessibility resources and dedicated sensory rooms are available inside the Camping World Stadium. Visit the guest services booth, inside Gate A, for more information. 

View our accessibility guide here.

Search Procedures

In the interest of guest and staff safety, a search process is required to prevent guests from bringing unauthorized and prohibited items into the stadium. Guests who refuse to submit to either screening or pat down searches will be refused entry. Security personnel will conduct these searches. The guest must throw the prohibited item in the trash or return the item to their vehicle. Search sticks may be used to move items around, if necessary. Any items in question should be removed by the guest.

Seating Charts

Seating Charts

Seating charts reflect the general layout of Camping World Stadium. Layouts and specific seat locations may vary without notice. You will find specific seating charts for each event available on Ticketmaster.com.

**Click images to enlarge**

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Plaza Level_Portrait.jpg

Field Level_Portrait.jpg

Gate Level_Portrait.jpg

**Click images above to enlarge**

Seat Cushions

Seat cushions that have pockets, zippers, compartments or covers are not permitted. Seat cushions that have rigid frames are not permitted. Soft, flexible seat cushions without pockets may be carried into the stadium.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted inside Camping World Stadium at any time. No exceptions.

Designated smoking areas outside of the seating area are available and are subject to change. 

  • Field Level – Outer 
  • Plaza Level - North and South of elevator landings
  • Terrace Level – Sections 208 & 234 (behind center stairwells, between inner and outer walls) 


Strollers are permitted into the stadium but must be checked into guest services near section 148 (north box office).


Orlando Venues has implemented a number of security measures for the protection of everyone attending an event at our venues. Please be aware of the following:

  • Patrons entering the stadium may be subject to security checks by searches, pat downs and/or metal-detecting equipment
  • Baby bags and purses will be allowed in but will be inspected at all entrances
  • Large bags, coolers, and backpacks will not be allowed to enter the building
  • Upon exiting the stadium, fans will not be allowed to re-enter for any reason


Following the massive $207.7 million reconstruction in 2014, Camping World Stadium earned a LEED Silver certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for new construction. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) designation is the nationally-accepted benchmark for green buildings. The LEED rating system is based on a point system that measures the impact on the environment and those who use the building. 



Tailgating is allowed in MOST Camping World Stadium lots.*


  • All vehicles that enter Camping World Stadium parking lots are subject to search
  • Please follow the directions on the message boards that surround roads leading to the stadium for reserved, general or disabled lots
  • In the event of severe weather, some lot entrances may be temporarily closed and you will be asked to remain in your vehicle until further notice
  • Saving parking spaces is not permitted
  • Overnight parking is prohibited
  • Kegs are prohibited
  • Loudspeakers are prohibited (unless permitted by the City of Orlando through the Orlando Police Department
  • Infringing on another guest’s tailgating area is prohibited
  • Political campaigning, picketing, or distributing handbills/pamphlets is prohibited
  • Sampling or distributing of items by unauthorized individuals is prohibited
  • Unauthorized solicitation of any kind is prohibited
  • Unlawful weapons and fireworks are not permitted in the parking lots
  • Fans that participate in disorderly conduct, including profanity, will be ejected
  • Tents over 10'x10' without prior approval
  • Tents 10'x10' or smaller must be behind the parked vehicle
  • All guests must pay the proper parking fee or present a parking pass in the stadium parking lots. The pass must remain prominently displayed in the vehicle
  • A parking fee will be charged for all spectator-type events held in the stadium
  • Parking passes are not valid for re-entries into the stadium’s parking lots
  • Refunds or rainchecks will not be given

Ticket Fraud

Camping World Stadium is a proud partner of Ticketmaster. We strongly encourage all guests to purchase their tickets from Ticketmaster to avoid fradulent activity. Please note that Box Office staff will not be able to assist with third-party tickets; guests must contact their point of purchase for any assistance.


Weather Policy

Events at Camping World Stadium are held "rain or shine." We recommend bringing a light poncho in case of rain, as umbrellas are not permitted in the stadium. If lightning is detected in the surrounding area, guests may be asked to shelter in place in the covered concourses until the severe weather passes. This may also result in the temporary closure of parking lots to ensure the safety of parking attendants.

Will Call

Will call tickets purchased through Ticketmaster can be picked up at the Camping World Stadium box office usually open beginning 90 minutes prior to an event. For exact, box office times please visit the specific guide for your event.